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Scan 3d at Automa Milan 2022, thanks to EU funds

07 April 2024

In 2022, scan 3d carried out the project WNG-PBE.06.2022/019, under grant support from the EU Regional Development Funds provided by the Pomerania Development Agency SA.

The aim of the project was to travel to the OIL & GAS AUTOMATION AND DIGITALIZATION CONGRESS 2022 in Milan as an exhibitor at the fair. Thanks to the support we received, we could The fair had a closed format, through which we were able to establish many business relationships.

Our innovative services dedicated to the Oil & Gas industry can make them more friendly to our environment, which contributes to reducing the carbon footprint of companies. The solutions we provide help optimize and reduce costs by updating 2D and 3D documentation, among other things. The expertise we have in digital twins, IoT sensors and digital replica management systems allows us to tailor our service to each client. Acquiring informed customers in the “green energy” sector by a company from Pomerania brings our region into a modern approach to business. Our goal is for international companies to bet on modern investments in Poland.

The value of the project according to the contract was PLN 57,054.71, of which 50% of this amount is funding received from the European Regional Development Funds.

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Scan 3d at Automa Milan 2022, thanks to EU funds

07 April 2024

In 2022, scan 3d carried out the project WNG-PBE.06.2022/019, under grant support from the EU Regional Development Funds provided by the Pomerania Development Agency SA. The aim of the project was to travel to the OIL & GAS AUTOMATION AND DIGITALIZATION CONGRESS 2022 in Milan as an exhibitor at the fair. Thanks to the support […]

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